Tragedy Of The Commons
Task Force: Tragedy Of The Commons Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in a thought experiment to analyze the effects of an economic concept. You will be given step-by-step instructions to follow and will be working in a group. You are expected to discuss what you have learned and will be briefed about what […]
Design a Green City
Task Force: Design a Green City Congratulations! You have been selected to participate in a program that allows you to redesign your home city. The goal is to design your city to have the various features of a green city. Why Are We Doing This?: As the impacts of climate change continue to become […]
Population Stalling
Task Force: Population Stalling Yikes! The birth rate in your country has dropped to 0. People have stopped having children due to climate change. People are becoming increasingly aware of the consequences of raising a child in modern times. The impacts of climate change on the environment have left communities afraid of what may happen […]
Disaster Response
Task Force: Disaster Response Oh no! Just last night, a disastrous earthquake measuring to be a 7.0 on the Richter scale has left thousands displaced in New York. You have been put in charge of handling the aftermath and helping the people and buildings recover from this tragic event. It is your job to consider […]
Choose an Energy Solution For Your Country
Task Force: Choose an Energy Solution For Your Country Congratulations! The Department of Energy has decided to put you in charge of creating a plan for the best renewable energy source for a specific country. Each group will be assigned to a country and you will then have to come up with a plan to […]