Leaders 4SC Student Code of Conduct Form
The workshop should be a positive learning experience for all participants. Our aim is to provide an intellectually stimulating and fun environment for students. United 4 Social Change fosters a community culture of inclusivity. By adopting this culture we are able to provide a richer, more diverse learning experience for participants. All participants agree to respect the rights and feelings of other workshop students and staff.
Students who violate our communal norms will be expelled from the workshop. Upon expulsion, a workshop administrator will notify the parents or guardians and ask that the affected student exit the workshop platform immediately. Expelled students will not receive any refund of tuition or other workshop fees.
Rules of Conduct:
1. Attendance at all organized functions is required. Absence from the workshop must be approved by parents and workshop administration in advance.
2. Students are expected to dress in a manner appropriate for an educational setting. Students are prohibited from wearing clothing and accessories that: have slogans, comments, or designs that are obscene; advertise alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, or illegal drugs; are directed against or intended to demean individuals based on sex, gender, sexual orientation, race, ancestry national origin, ethnicity, religion, etc. Students wearing clothing deemed inappropriate will be asked to change.
3. Alcoholic beverages and narcotics or other controlled substances are not permitted. Students witnessed consuming or in possession of such items will be immediately dismissed from the program.
4. The possession or use of firearms, ammunition, BB guns, air rifles, firecrackers, explosives, sling-shots, knives (including pocket knives), or other weapons of any description, for any purpose is prohibited. Any student witnessed using or in possession of such items will be immediately dismissed from the program.
Statement of Understanding
I have read and understood the conduct policy printed above, and I agree to comply with the rules and regulations established during the time I am in attendance at the workshop.
I have read and understood the conduct policy printed above, and I agree to the expulsion provisions described as they may come to apply to the above-named student.